"Miracle" Lantern Pie!! The traditional Asia Minor recipe with 9 materials – When we make it and when it is read!!

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Fanurinepie: For the life of Agios Fanourios, whom we honor with this fasting pie, there are no specific testimonies. According to legend, the pie is made to save the saint's mother, which was a tough one, sinful woman.

Alexandros Papadiamantis writes on this occasion that anyone who invokes Saint Fanourios must always say "God forgive the mother of Agios Fanourios. God forgive her".

"Miracle" Lantern Pie: The traditional Asia Minor recipe with 9 materials

So, at 27 August, when Agios Fanourios is honored, it is customary for housewives to make lantern pies, which they distribute in the neighborhood after first being blessed by the church.

Over the years, it was established that we make lantern pies to find something we lost. Many, Moreover, they connect this attribute of Agios Fanourios and the pie with the name of the Saint, derived from the verb "appear" which means to reveal.

The strength attributed to the pie is enhanced by its ingredients, which they always are 7 the 9, as the specific numbers belong to the so-called sacred numbers already from the time of the Pythagoreans.

And as it happens with all customs, throughout Greece there are variations of the tradition.

In Crete, Cyprus, Skiathos, Florina and other areas, the fanuropita is made for unmarried daughters to find a groom.

Others believe that it brings good luck and lights the path of one's life.

It is even said that Agios Phanourios protects farmers by revealing stolen animals.

So if you want Saint Phanourios to reveal to you what,what important are you looking for make a lantern pie, bless her in the church and wait for the results!


1 cup seed oil
3 cups of flour (self-inflating)
1 cup of sugar
1 mug of natural orange juice
1 teaspoon of soda
1/2 cup walnut cut medium
1/2 blonde raisin cup
1/2 teaspoon cloves
3/4 κουταλάκι γλυκού κανέλα

Πριν ξεκινήσετε την εκτέλεση

* Διαλύουμε τη σόδα μέσα στον χυμό πορτοκάλι

* Αν έχουμε ήδη τη σταφίδα στο ψυγείο τότε πρέπει να τη βάλετε 4 ώρες σε νερό για να φουσκώσει. Αν την πάρετε φρέσκια τη χρησιμοποιείτε απευθείας.


Χτυπάμε το λάδι μαζί με τη ζάχαρη μέχρι να λιώσει όσο περισσότερο γίνεται η ζάχαρη. In this mixture we pour the orange in which we have dissolved the soda. We keep hitting for 3-4 minutes. (At this stage we use a mixer)

We have put the flour together with the cloves in a bowl, the cinnamon, the walnut and the raisin (which we have patted dry so that the flour does not clump when we pour it).

Stir the mixture with a mixer or spoon. We don't need to use the mixer again.

We have lightly oiled the pan No 28, because our mixture already has enough oil to prevent it from sticking and we spread the mixture.

Βάζουμε το ταψί σε προθερμασμένο φούρνο στους 160-170 βαθμούς, ανάλογα τον φούρνο (ψήνεται και σε αντίσταση και σε αέρα) for 40-60 minutes.

Αφήνουμε τη φανουρόπιτα να κρυώσει και μετά την κόβουμε.

Lantern pie: When we make it and when it is read

Η φανουρόπιτα, για να κάνει το «θαύμα» της, πρέπει να τηρήσουμε τους κανόνες της όταν τη φτιάχνουμε και όταν την πηγαίνουμε στην εκκλησία για τη διαβάσει ο παπάς.

27 August, our church celebrates the memory of Agios Fanourios and in many Greek homes housewives used to make the traditional fanouropita.

It was a pie with 7 materials - then they were made 9- which they took to the church on the day of the saint's feast day to be read by the priest and then distributed to the congregation.

Over time, it became customary for housewives to prepare the lantern pie a day or two before the celebration. Την πήγαιναν στην εκκλησία την παραμονή της γιορτής στον εσπερινό και στη συνέχεια γύριζαν με αυτήν στο σπίτι, για να μοιραστεί όλη η οικογένεια την ευλογία του αγίου.

According to prevailing belief, if one followed all the rules for making the pie, then the saint would reveal to him what,τι επιθυμούσε -και στις ανύπαντρες τον άνδρα που θα παντρεύονταν.

Απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση για να βάλει ο άγιος το χέρι του, is, όσο παρασκευάζουμε την πίτα,

διαβάζουμε την παρακάτω ευχή:

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Heavenly Bread, the wealthy sponsor of the food of menousis in the century, the giver of goods, The sun has given you eternal food, the hope of the hopeless, η βοήθεια των αβοηθήτων και σωτηρία των ψυχών ημών.

Ευλόγησον τα δώρα ταύτα και τους ταύτα σοι προσκομίσαντας, εις δόξαν σήν και τιμήν του αγίου ενδόξου μεγαλομάρτυρος Φανουρίου.

Provide e, dear, to euprepisasi these placentas, all your worldly and transcendental goods. Let them rejoice in your presence, show them the way to salvation.

Τα αιτήματα τών καρδιών αυτών καί πάσαν τήν βουλήν αυτών ταχέως πλήρωσον, οδηγών αυτούς προς εργασίαν τών εντολών σου, ίνα διά παντός εν ευφροσύνη καί αγαλλιάσει υμνώσι καί δοξάσωσι το πάντιμον καί μεγαλοπρεπές όνομά σου, πρεσβείαις της υπερευλογημένης Θεοτόκου, του αγίου ένδοξου νεομάρτυρος Φανουρίου, του Θαυματουργού, καί πάντων σου τών αγίων. Amen".

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