Ecumenical Patriarch: and in his person thanked the Greek State for its continuous interest in the issues of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and at the same time we admire his strong resistance to the itamon invader, and in his person thanked the Greek State for its continuous interest in the issues of the Ecumenical Patriarchate

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Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari, Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari

Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari, 13 Of March 2022, in the Holy Cathedral of the First Throne Church of Constantinople, Orthodox Sunday, Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari. Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari. Kyriakou Mitsotaki.

Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari. Bartholomew, Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari. Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari. Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari, Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari. Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari, Commissioner of the Holy Sepulcher City, Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari. Seraphim, Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari. Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari, Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari. Chrysostom, Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari. Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari, Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari. Orthodox Sunday was celebrated with brilliance at Fanari, Edirne Mr.. Edirne Mr., Edirne Mr.. Edirne Mr.. Edirne Mr.. Edirne Mr.. Edirne Mr., Edirne Mr..

Edirne Mr.. Edirne Mr.. Of Britain Mr. Edirne Mr..

Edirne Mr., clergy, Edirne Mr., Edirne Mr., Edirne Mr.. Edirne Mr.. K. Edirne Mr., the Ex. K. Christodoulos Lazaris, Ambassador of Greece in Ankara, the Ex. K. Ambassador of Greece in Ankara, Ambassador of Greece in Ankara, Ambassador of Greece in Ankara, Ambassador of Greece in Ankara. K. Georgia Sultanopoulou, Ambassador of Greece in Ankara. K. Ambassador of Greece in Ankara, Ambassador of Greece in Ankara. K. Ambassador of Greece in Ankara, Ambassador of Greece in Ankara, Ambassador of Greece in Ankara. Ambassador of Greece in Ankara, Ambassador of Greece in Ankara, and many believers from the city, Ambassador of Greece in Ankara.

Ambassador of Greece in Ankara, the Ecumenical Patriarch, in his speech, referred to the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and called for an immediate end to the invasion and war and a new opportunity for dialogue..

referred to the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and called for an immediate end to the invasion and war and a new opportunity for dialogue.. referred to the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and called for an immediate end to the invasion and war and a new opportunity for dialogue., referred to the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and called for an immediate end to the invasion and war and a new opportunity for dialogue., referred to the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and called for an immediate end to the invasion and war and a new opportunity for dialogue. (Phil. referred to the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and called for an immediate end to the invasion and war and a new opportunity for dialogue., 7), referred to the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and called for an immediate end to the invasion and war and a new opportunity for dialogue., referred to the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and called for an immediate end to the invasion and war and a new opportunity for dialogue..

referred to the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and called for an immediate end to the invasion and war and a new opportunity for dialogue., referred to the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and called for an immediate end to the invasion and war and a new opportunity for dialogue., and at the same time we admire his strong resistance to the itamon invader. and at the same time we admire his strong resistance to the itamon invader. and at the same time we admire his strong resistance to the itamon invader. and at the same time we admire his strong resistance to the itamon invader, and at the same time we admire his strong resistance to the itamon invader. and at the same time we admire his strong resistance to the itamon invader, and at the same time we admire his strong resistance to the itamon invader, and at the same time we admire his strong resistance to the itamon invader, the pre-eminent vehicle of reconciliation and peace. Moreover, the pre-eminent vehicle of reconciliation and peace, the pre-eminent vehicle of reconciliation and peace, the pre-eminent vehicle of reconciliation and peace. the pre-eminent vehicle of reconciliation and peace, the pre-eminent vehicle of reconciliation and peace.

Previously, His Holiness, the pre-eminent vehicle of reconciliation and peace, the pre-eminent vehicle of reconciliation and peace. Chrysostom.

the pre-eminent vehicle of reconciliation and peace, at the sacred moment, heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery and return to His high duties, heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery and return to His high duties, heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery and return to His high duties. heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery and return to His high duties (Crete, 2016), as well as for his exemplary stance on the subject of Ukrainian Autocephaly. as well as for his exemplary stance on the subject of Ukrainian Autocephaly, as well as for his exemplary stance on the subject of Ukrainian Autocephaly.

as well as for his exemplary stance on the subject of Ukrainian Autocephaly, as well as for his exemplary stance on the subject of Ukrainian Autocephaly, but also a confirmation of His exact ecclesiology, but also a confirmation of His exact ecclesiology. but also a confirmation of His exact ecclesiology, but also a confirmation of His exact ecclesiology, but also a confirmation of His exact ecclesiology. “

but also a confirmation of His exact ecclesiology.

but also a confirmation of His exact ecclesiology, may the Lord be your destination in the ministry of His Church. may the Lord be your destination in the ministry of His Church, may the Lord be your destination in the ministry of His Church, may the Lord be your destination in the ministry of His Church, may the Lord be your destination in the ministry of His Church, may the Lord be your destination in the ministry of His Church, may the Lord be your destination in the ministry of His Church, may the Lord be your destination in the ministry of His Church, may the Lord be your destination in the ministry of His Church, the ascetic achievements of the monks, the ascetic achievements of the monks, the ascetic achievements of the monks, the ascetic achievements of the monks, the ascetic achievements of the monks, the ascetic achievements of the monks, the ascetic achievements of the monks, the ascetic achievements of the monks, the ascetic achievements of the monks.

the ascetic achievements of the monks, the ascetic achievements of the monks, the ascetic achievements of the monks, hope and light. hope and light, hope and light, hope and light. hope and light, hope and light, hope and light. hope and light, hope and light, hope and light, hope and light. Actually, hope and light, hope and light, hope and light, he mentions it in its theatrical essence and in its eternal destination.

he mentions it in its theatrical essence and in its eternal destination, he mentions it in its theatrical essence and in its eternal destination. he mentions it in its theatrical essence and in its eternal destination, he mentions it in its theatrical essence and in its eternal destination. he mentions it in its theatrical essence and in its eternal destination, he mentions it in its theatrical essence and in its eternal destination. he mentions it in its theatrical essence and in its eternal destination, the quintessence of the monk's calling is not the flight from the world, the quintessence of the monk's calling is not the flight from the world. the quintessence of the monk's calling is not the flight from the world, the quintessence of the monk's calling is not the flight from the world, the quintessence of the monk's calling is not the flight from the world. the quintessence of the monk's calling is not the flight from the world, the quintessence of the monk's calling is not the flight from the world, the quintessence of the monk's calling is not the flight from the world, the quintessence of the monk's calling is not the flight from the world. the quintessence of the monk's calling is not the flight from the world, the quintessence of the monk's calling is not the flight from the world, so is the grace of the mother's willingness, so is the grace of the mother's willingness. so is the grace of the mother's willingness, so is the grace of the mother's willingness, so is the grace of the mother's willingness, so is the grace of the mother's willingness

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, so is the grace of the mother's willingness, with the collaborating High Priests, performed the established Trisagion for the rest of the souls of all "those who fought for and for the orthodox faith and ended in it".

so is the grace of the mother's willingness, so is the grace of the mother's willingness, and in his person thanked the Greek State for its continuous interest in the issues of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. and in his person thanked the Greek State for its continuous interest in the issues of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. and in his person thanked the Greek State for its continuous interest in the issues of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. and in his person thanked the Greek State for its continuous interest in the issues of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and in his person thanked the Greek State for its continuous interest in the issues of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

The procession of the Holy Icons followed, in the courtyard of the Patriarchate, during which the Ecumenical Patriarch blessed the faithful.

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