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Archbishop Elpidophoros: Hopeful for Martin Luther King Day: Justice requires hard work from generation to generation [video]


Archbishop Elpidoforos sent his own message on racial justice on the occasion of the annual anniversary of the memory of Martin Luther King, η οποία είναι εθνική ημέρα και αργία για τις ΗΠΑ………

In his videotaped message, the Archbishop argued that 52 years after the assassination of Martin Luther King, the ghost of racism still haunts the soul of the american nation and therefore the struggle for racial justice, equality and peace remains relevant and must continue.

"There is no doubt in my mind that the wheel of history will eventually turn to Justice., because our God is Just and Merciful. But we also have a responsibility to speak and act for the benefit of justice for all.. We must recognize that the wounds of centuries of slavery have not completely healed because there was (American) Civil War or because the Voting Rights Act was signed by President Lyndon Johnson in the presence of Dr.. King. Justice requires hard work from generation to generation and as Christians we are called to contribute to this work. ", noted Mr.. Promising.

Referring to the unrest that has rocked the US in recent months, calls on believers to use Martin Luther King's Day as an opportunity to reflect on what they do personally on racial justice, equality and peace. "And let us remember that our journey to justice is through love and the creation of a loving community., where we love our neighbors, whoever they are, as we love ourselves. Dr. King said it better: But the end is reconciliation. The end is redemption. The end is the creation of a loving community. Είναι αυτού του είδους το πνεύμα και η αγάπη που μπορούν να μετατρέψουν τους αντιπάλους σε φίλους… Είναι μια αγάπη που ξεχειλίζει και δεν ζητά τίποτα σε αντάλλαγμα. It is the love of God that works in the lives of men. ".

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