Home News His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America: «Η Πίστη στην Εποχή του Κορωνοϊού»...

His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America: "Faith in the Age of Coronavirus" the new book by Archbishop Elpidoforos


With a post on social media, The Archbishop of America Elpidoforos announced the release in both print and electronic version of his new book entitled "Faith in the Coronavirus Age"………

As he notes, "As we approach the one-year anniversary of the pandemic, I want to share with you this book which is a collection of speeches and messages I addressed during Lent, of Holy Week and its Easter 2020. I hope they bring you hope and peace in the new year ".

The more than thirty pastoral messages of the Archbishop of America acquire a special historical dimension, as transmitted to the faithful during a period of massive curfew both in the US and around the world and virtually online operation of the Holy Temples, as the Divine Liturgies and the Sequences were performed without the physical presence of individuals.

Archbishop Elpidoforos through his speeches strongly sends the message of the importance of maintaining our faith in these dark times, during which, as he points out, "Even the light of the Resurrection passed from believer to believer virtually". In its introduction, The Primate of the American Orthodox Church points out that he prays that these reflections will be a blessing for the lives of the faithful, "Just as the offerings of the faithful from their backwardness are a blessing for the lives of other people in need". "We are, reports, a community in Christ, the body of our Church, and we owe just as we care about our own lives to care for and show the same love for every member of our Church and for every human person, because we are all an image of God ".

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew prefaces the book of Archbishop Elpidoforos, who notes that the speeches of the Primate of the Orthodox Church of America "They reveal the power of faith in Christ that enlightens the whole world, the radiance of unconditional love and the hope that continues in the hearts of all Christians ".

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