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Serbian Orthodox Patriarch: Serbian Patriarch Ireneos dies of coronavirus complications


The Serbian Patriarch Ireneos fell asleep, At the age 90 years, from coronavirus complications. The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) was found positive for coronavirus on 4 November and admitted to Belgrade military hospitals with mild symptoms.

Until the day before yesterday, the official announcements stated that his health condition is stable, without serious complications. Yesterday, however, Patriarch Ireneos' health deteriorated and he was intubated.. Στην θεραπεία του Πατριάρχη των Σέρβων συμμετείχαν και γιατροί από τη Ρωσία που έφτασαν στη Σερβία γι’ αυτόν τον λόγο.

It is noted that Patriarch Ireneos officiated on 30 October at the exit of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Amfilochio Seaside, who also died of coronavirus complications.

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