Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Messinia: The expectation of "the Nations" for peace and humanity

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The leap year 2025 inherits from descendent 2024 three serious problems, which undermine social peace, they alienate human existence and cause the death of thousands of our fellow human beings.

First negative inheritance they are both belligerent conflicts, in Ukraine and the wider Middle East region, with the,what these entail at the financial level, demographic, ecological-environmental, μεταναστευτικό, ενεργειακό, επισιτιστικό.

Καθώς οι «επιφανείς» διαχειριστές του ακανθώδους ζητήματος δεν δείχνουν να επιθυμούν «έργῳ» την άμεση κατάπαυση του πυρός, apparently no resolution is in sight, redemptive for those slain on the battlefield.

Nevertheless, it is up to the Christian to "make peace" and the Orthodox Church always condemns war and prays for the peace of the universe. Η ειρήνη δεν επιβάλλεται με την δύναμη των όπλων, για αυτό και δεν πρέπει να αναρριπίζουμε νέες εστίες μίσους. instead, οφείλουμε συνειδητά, με την δύναμη του λόγου και των πράξεων, to influence the powerful of the earth in the direction of sensible initiatives that will stem the tides of war and their momentum in known and unknown directions.

Elimination of violence

Second negative inheritance it is diverse violence, which affects human societies, destroys social cohesion, it trivializes the value of the human person and life, συνομιλώντας πιο ευχάριστα με ό,τι συνιστά την αποκτεινομένη «ορμή του θανάτου». Αδήριτη παρουσιάζεται η ανάγκη και υποχρέωση ενός εκάστου και σύνολης της κοινωνίας να κατανοήσει κατ’ αρχάς το βάθος του προβλήματος της βίας και να εργαστεί για την απάλειψη συμπεριφορών μίσους, hatred and intolerance.

Innate to the phenomenon of violence, so does his third legatee 2024: human trafficking (trafficking). In the era of rapid development of technology and sciences to improve people's living conditions, this phenomenon of commodification of human personality, it declares the zero footprint of any progress for the sake of humanity. For what freedom, for which dignity we are entitled to strive, when our neighbor is not a brother of Christ and a reflection of God's image, but an opportunity to enrich shrewd and unconscionable merchants of the nations;

Εάν τέτοια φαινόμενα δεν τα αντιμετωπίζουμε, και στο νέο έτος, με σθένος και επιμονή έως της απαλείψεώς τους, advanced societies will live with the ontological consciousness of a primitive and prehistoric living organism.

Beyond any wish, with limited emotional displacement, we are required to cooperate, each with their own gifts, so that the new year 2025 to prove itself to be peaceful, with fewer wars, without violence and with an honest unfolding of our humanity, with which we must give it meaning so that every form of death ceases to determine the essentials of human life.

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