Πρόσκληση για τον εορτασμό της Ιεράς Μνήμης του Αγίου Νεομάρτυρος Μανουήλ, in Megali Panagia

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The Metropolitan of Syros and Mykonos Ms. Dorotheos B’ αναγγέλλει στον πιστό και φιλακόλουθο λαό της Μυκόνου και τους παρεπηδημούντες ότι η Ιερά μνήμη του Αγίου Νεομάρτυρος Μανουήλ, born in Sfakioi, Crete and lived in Mykonos for thirty years, will be celebrated in the Holy Metropolitan Church of Megali Panagia, on Sunday 22 September 2024, with High Priestly Divine Liturgy, ιερουργούντος του Σεβασμιωτάτου ποιμενάρχου μας κ. Dorotheou B, during the following program:

• 07.30 a.m.: Beginning of Orthros
• 08.15 a.m.: Hierarchical Chorostasia
•08.15 π.μ.: Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, Superior of the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Syros and Mykonos Mr. Dorotheos B.’
• 10.15 a.m.: After the end of the High Priestly Divine Liturgy, the procession of the Holy icon of Saint Neomartyr Manuel will follow according to custom..

All Mykonians and visitors are invited to attend and participate in the services that will be held, honoring the memory of Saint Manuel the New Martyr and seeking his mediation.

** Σημειώνεται ότι κατά την αυτή ημέρα, Sunday, 24 September 2024, the other Temples of Mykonos Town will not function.

NewsRoom Diefxon / Mykonos Ticker Digital Media Group

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