Archbishop Ieronymos: The Church demands to participate in the social dialogue, not to be excluded because she doesn't "like" her speech

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Archbishop Ieronymos / The materialistic and excessive entitlement of the last decades as well as the economic bankruptcy of the country are, unfortunately, mark in the history of Postcolonialism"

"We failed where we adopted foreign standards" he points out in his article in the Journal of the Parliament on 50 post-colonial years the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Hieronymos II, who takes the opportunity to remind how: "The Church demands to participate in the wider social dialogue with the other participants (institutions, civil society), as the democratic dialogue demands, and not to be despised or excluded, because she doesn't "like" Her word".

Archbishop Hieronymos emphasizes that "the materialistic and excessive entitlement of the last decades, but also the financial bankruptcy of the Country (as a result of spiritual and moral crisis and institutional inadequacies), form, ⁇ Ἐκκλησία τῆς⁇ λλάδος αἰσθάνεται ἔντονον τὸ χρέος νὰ ὑψώσῃ φωνὴν διαμαρτυρίας ὑπὲρ πάντων τῶν, mark in the History of Postcolonialism".

The cultural decline, the spiritual and value judgment (exogenous and endogenous) and the economic bankruptcy demonstrate that without spiritual and moral values ​​no real progress is possible, mentions and emphasizes that "prosperity" and not materialism is not enough by itself to inspire a nation to succeed as a whole".

Did we fail?; asks His Beatitude and lists a series of important problems that dominate today in various fields such as "the quality of political speech and behavior, transparency, meritocracy, the institutional adequacy and effectiveness, addressing economic inequalities, the overconcentration of wealth, Cypriot and Greek-Turkish, social policy, the immigration, population and cultural cohesion, the orientation and quality of education, access to health services, environmental protection, the cultural quality, the administration of justice and security".

The etiology of failures is multifactorial, endogenous and exogenous, emphasizes, but "it is definitely spiritual, valuable, cultural and institutional".

As the Archbishop mentions "any failure of the Post-colonialism and its partial success can be summarized among others in the following : Instead of investing in the cooperation of State and Church in terms of "solidarity", as defined by our Greek and Orthodox tradition, the social reality, social needs, we exhausted our energy in endless and fruitless battles about "separation of State and Church", outside of our tradition and without there being any substantial objection to this reason, imitating in many ways foreign interpretative forms and foreign precepts and standards, which do not withstand the burden of an objective historical analysis of the Greek historical data, realities and necessities".

"The Church demands to participate in the wider social dialogue with the other participants (institutions, civil society), as the democratic dialogue demands, and not to be despised or excluded, because she doesn't "like" Her word", emphasizes.

The goals to be set for the future, reports, is, including, "the creation of an empowered State and a healthy Society, without materialistic one-sidedness with spiritual and cultural references, with a national vision of a holistic and not just a holistic progress; improving the quality of our democracy, which must not be limited to simply holding elections and changing governments, but to delve into essential issues of democracy through dialogue, without exclusions; the establishment of an essential rule of law; the direct confrontation of the demographic".

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