Mykonos Monasteries: Holy Vigil on the Memory of Saint Makrin, sister of Basil the Great, in I.M.. Panagia Tourliani

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Sacred vigilance in favor of health, aid and Divine assistance to the Mykonos faithful.

Little by little I was getting far away,
World, you touched the Lord.

The Most Venerable Archimandrite of the Holy Metropolis of Syros - Mykonos & Delos, and Professor of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Tourliani, Pi. Alexios Papadopoulos, announces to the philanthropists and pious Mykonian believers that on Thursday evening 18 July 2024, in memory of Osias Makrinis, sister of Basil the Great, Holy Vigil will be held at the Katholikon of the Holy Monastery, starting on the 9th evening and ending on 00.30 announces to the philanthropists and pious Mykonian believers that, with the sequences of Vespers, of orthros and the performance of the Divine Liturgy, in favor of health, aid and Divine assistance to the Mykonos faithful.

The celebrants of Mykonos are invited to honor the memory of Agia Makrinis.

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