Martyrs burned in Nicomedia: Divine Liturgy for the Remembrance of the Billion Martyrs in Mykonos [pictures]

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His Eminence Fr. Petros the carpenter celebrated the Divine Liturgy in memory of the Saints of Dismyria (20.000) Witnesses , who were sacrificed for the sake of Christ in Nicomedia, in the Holy Chapel of Agios Nikolaos in Despotika!

The martyrdom of these Saints is included in the cases of group persecutions and massacres against Christians, mainly during the late 2nd and early 3rd centuries. Phenomena so modern in the 21st century, especially nowadays, in the countries of the Middle East! The twenty thousand Saints lived in Nicomedia at the time when the impious Maximian reigned in Rome

“Holy army, holy city, the Lord's own people, arise billions of Witnesses, the gar love of this cooling, you led the fight by fire. Other’ apply, mercy wise the rector, we have been granted the great mercy”.


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