Archbishop Elpidophoros:: He announced the creation of a Greek aid fund to deal with fires

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"We must all roll up our sleeves and work together to tackle this nightmare., always asking for God's help and mercy ", pointed out the Archbishop of America.

The importance of unity and cooperation of all humanity in the battle to deal with catastrophic fires both in Greece and in the US State of California, but also in the other countries affected by the fiery flame, such as Turkey, Albania and Italy, underlined in his sermon yesterday from the Cathedral of St. George, in Philadelphia, the Archbishop of America Hopeful.

"We must all roll up our sleeves and work together to tackle this nightmare., always asking for God's help and mercy ", pointed out the Archbishop of America. "Today, he continued, where we see our forests burning and the whole world, we must embrace each other and together run together to put out fires and protect nature and not sometimes argue about who is responsible, because basically we are all responsible ".

As he pointed out: "At a time when the ice is melting and the forests are burning, the seas are stormy, the waters are flooding our cities and all nature is protesting, we must reflect on the evil we caused in God's creation, for the sake of our affluence and well-being. All these, he added, that we do at the expense of God's creation will return to us and we will lose everything ".

He wondered "what to do with science and technology when we have no air to breathe, to drink water and a shade to rest "and he stressed:

"This, Nevertheless, What is urgent now is to run to put out the fire and save our houses and the houses of our neighbors and to all feel that no one is alone and that one is for the other. ".

in addition to, characterized admires the solidarity between peoples who help each other in dealing with natural disasters. "Think about how many peoples and how many countries rushed to help our motherland, Greece. She, is the brotherhood between peoples, this is human virtue, human support, that goes beyond different "beliefs" and different perceptions ".

Archbishop Elpidoforos announced that Archdiocese of America immediately launches campaign to help Greece fight fires by setting up special fund. Call, in fact, to all the faithful of the Church in America to gather "as Greek-Americans and Orthodox all the help they need, where required, both for our home in California and for our father's home in our homeland, in our Greece ".

End, praised the self-denial of all firefighters, of police officers, of the port authorities, of ordinary farmers and volunteers who fight heroically day and night with the flames to save our homeland, Greece, and called on all to pray to God to give his healing and help these heroes in their struggle.

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