Widespread commemoration of the New Martyr Manuel in Mykonos (Pics-Videos)

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A multitude of devout Mykonians and vacationers attended the High Priestly Divine Liturgy held at the Metropolitan Church of the Great Virgin on the Holy
memory of Crete by origin, Saint Neomartyr Manuel, of Mykonos….
He celebrated the Orthrus and presided over the High Priestly Divine Liturgy,
the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Syros and Mykonos Mr. Dorotheos II, assisted by the vicars of the Island, Archpriest Fr. Petro Marago, Pi. Basil Tzanidakis and Deacon George.
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His Eminence blesses the faithful during the High Priestly Divine Liturgy, standing at the Beautiful Gate, where holding the tricycle in his right hand, and on the left the decarion raises reverently singing….
“Sir, Lord look down from heaven and see and visit this vine and shape it, Your right hand planted it”

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Singing the Fame of our Venerable Metropolitan Mr. K Dorotheou B……
“God's gift of the Most Reverend and God-given Metropolitan of the Holy Metropolis of Syros, Tinos and Mykonos.... many years”

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Divine Liturgy in an atmosphere of Liturgical Dignity and devotional immersion.

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The Mayor of Mykonos Mr. Konstantinos Koukas recited "I believe"……

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The pious Manolis Manias and Yiannis Hatzispyros in Cretan costumes
and young Mykoniatopoulas in local costumes, they imparted fragrance
delivery to the Divine Liturgy….

The Deputy Mayor of Mykonos Ms. Irini
recite it
«Our father»…….

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They attended the High Priestly Divine Liturgy and honored with their presence, the Mayor of Mykonos Mr. Konstantinos Koukas,the Deputy Mayors Mr. Miltos Atzamoglou and Mrs. Irini Grypari, the President of the Municipal Council Mr. Lampros Panagiotakopoulos, the Dim. Advisor and President of the Port Fund Mrs. Eleni Kalbourtzis, the Dem.
Advisor and Vice President of PAKO ”Officer” Dimitris Gryparis, the Municipal Councilor Antonis Kousathanas, the President of the Republic. Dimitris Lazaridis Community with Councilor Maria Kousathana, the Regional Councilor Marousoula Hanioti and
Candidate for Member of Parliament with the ND Mrs. Katerina Monoiou.
In his sermon, Metropolitan Mr. K Dorotheos B’, addressing the congregation …. referred to the theological and anthropological dimension of importance of the lifting of the Cross of Christ, he said among other things “… that Christ called disciples and not followers, and that discipleship is the study of the Gospel word and the confession of the martyrdom of Christ as a personal testimony of the Faith of each one..."

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Finally, he thanked and congratulated the High Priest of the Temple Protopresbyter Petros Maragos and his accomplices for the preparation of the feast, of Cretans living in Mykonos, the male and female students of the Catechetical Schools with the flag, which bears Saint Manuel whom His Eminence, by his decision, has named patron of the Catechetical Schools of the Holy Metropolis, the Mayor of Mykonos, the President of the Municipal Council, the Deputy Mayors, the Regional Councilor, the President of the Port Fund, the Municipal Councillors, the candidate Member of Parliament of the Cyclades Ms. Ekaterini Monogyou, of Hieropsaltes and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, the Deacons, the Mykonians present and the onlookers to whom he wished from the bottom of his heart for the coming autumn.
After the end of the Divine Liturgy, a procession of the Holy Inona of Agios Manuel followed….
Forerunner of the litanic procession, the flag of Catechetical Schools, which carries him
Saint Manuel.
The Worship Procession, after crossing the picturesque streets of Chora, with towards the beach……
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……. reached Ai
Nikolaki of Kadena, in front of the Town Hall, where prayer is chanted.

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Throughout the procession the bells rang……..
His Eminence during the return of the Litany and before the dismissal wished a Happy and Blessed Birthday, good autumn let's have time to celebrate again.
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