The Greek Concept of Prayer

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THE MEANING OF PRAYER The Greek verb I HAVE has not been thoroughly studied. In ancient times, in addition to possess meant and TEND and this is one of his concepts which, although not valid today, however, exists as a synthetic of other words…….

This seems strange but it gives a solution to words like STICK OUT which means I tend outwards… RECESS so respectively it means that it tends inwards.
I EXCELLENT means tend towards or overcome and LOOK AFTER it means I tend my energy to a certain point.

These explain the very important word WISH = ΕΥ-ΕΧΩ, which means literally I TEND TO GOOD…

So when we give someone a wish, we basically mean TO TEND TO THE ABSOLUTE GOOD OF WISH… so the HELLO means TO TEND TO EXTREME HEALTH and HELLO means TO TEND TO JOY OR TO TEND TO RECEIVE EVERY GRACE.
The fact is that we receive stimuli through 5 senses.

We watch, we hear, we smell, touch me, we taste and then the mechanisms of MEMORY and emotions are activated. Stimuli are transformed into emotions that flood the mind. These feelings, in general they are of two kinds… positive or negative.

Jealousy belongs to the negatives, envy, the hate, the cowardice, slavery, self-pity, the victimization, the pity, servitude etc etc.
While the positives include bravery, The bravery, dignity, the moderate pride, moderate egoism, love, the friendship, love etc etc.

The MUSES Well, as liquid energies, are the actions which its cooperative MEMORY, create in man the positive, uplifting those feelings which, to the next level will lead to UNDERSTANDING and complete rationalization of emotion. But never; When the feeling is tamed, limit and let the mind take the reins of action. This is the role of the so-called DIONYSUS.

Therefore, It is desirable for the intelligent person to constantly strive both to tame and rationalize his varied constant emotions and to reject negative emotions in favor of the positive ones in order to rise to a higher level of logic and intellect.. This process is internal. That is, it is done by the very person who should, self-centered, talking to himself, to find its undeveloped course with the help of type compasses MUSEUM-DIONYSUS.

Based on ΕΥ-ΕΧΩ σημαίνει να βάλω τον εαυτό μου να προσηλωθή και να τείνη προς το ευ-καλό.
Η ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΛΕΞΙΣ ΠΡΟΣΕΥΧΗ προτείνει την απαιτουμένη ανά πάσα στιγμή και απαραίτητη για κάθε λογικό άνθρωπο, προσπάθεια ΑΥΤΟΓΝΩΣΙΑΣ, διεισδύσεως στα άδυτα της ΜΝΗΜΟΣΥΝΗΣ and her ΣΥΝΕΙΔΗΣΕΩΣ ώστε να σκεφθεί, να διορθώσει την πορεία του, να επαναπροσδιορίσει τις σταθερές του, να αυτο-τονώσει το ηθικό του και το σθένος του, να τα “βρη” με τον εαυτό του. Πρόκειται για μεγαλειώδη άκρως νοητική λειτουργία, άνευ της οποίας ο άνθρωπος θα ήταν έρμαιο των αισθητηρίων-των ενστίκτων και των συναισθημάτων.

ΠΡΟΣΕΥΧΟΜΕΝΟΙ ΕΛΛΗΝΟΤΡΟΠΩΣ, γνωρίζουμε να ηρεμούμε τα πάθη, να χαλιναγωγούμε τα ένστικτα, να επιβαλλόμεθα επί των αγρίων ορέξεων, να φέρνουμε ειρήνη στον εαυτό μας, να επιστρατεύουμε τις δυνάμεις μας προς επίτευξιν των λογικών στόχων μας, και τελικά γνωρίζουμε τον εαυτό μας με τις δυνάμεις και αδυναμίες του. Simultaneously, ερχόμαστε σε εσωτερική ισορροπία και πιθανώς, σε ακραίες και δυνατές στιγμές, ακουμπάμε την αρχή της θεϊκής υπογραφής μέσα μας.

Source : enneaetifotos
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