Brilliant unveiling of the bust of the blessed Metropolitan Dorotheos I of Syros’ (Pictures & Videos)

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On Sunday 25 May, in the Holy Metropolitan Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior,with emotion on the faces of the Venerable Metropolitans, the celebration events for the completion of the 77 years since the discovery of the holy icon of Saint Demetrius and the unveiling of the bust of the blessed Metropolitan Dorotheos I of Syros…

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With piety and enthusiasm and the presence of hundreds of believers from
Syros,Tinos and Mykonos, a Triarchate Divine Liturgy was held,
superior of His Eminence the Metropolitan of Lemnos, Mr. Ierotheou ,of
His Eminence Metropolitan Fthiotidos Mr. Nikolaou and Syros Mr. God's gift
B’ and with the participation of clergy of the Holy Metropolis of Syros, Mykonos and
Of Tinos.

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Before the end of the Triarchate Divine Liturgy, His Holiness Mr. Dorotheos B’ he gave his personal testimony about the personality of the Blessed Predecessor, saying:
“Men named in potential... Abbots of the people… All such in their generations were glorified and in their days boasted..such men of mercy whose justice did not fail… and their glory will not be extinguished…… 

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Messages to the event were sent by the Most Reverend Metropolitans of Thera, Mr. Epiphanios and Paronaxias Mr. Kallinikos, the Catholic Bishop of Syros, Mr. Francis, the Catholic Archbishop of Tinos, Mr. Nikolaos and the oldest Clergyman of the Metropolis and fellow resident of Makaristos, Archpriest Georgios Zouganelis, which were read by the Archpriest of the Metropolitan Church.

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After the end of the Divine Liturgy with paeans of the Syros Municipal Philharmonic – Hermoupolis and the sounds of the bells in the courtyard of the Holy Metropolitan Church of the Transfiguration, where are the busts of the late Metropolitans of Syros Alexander Lykourgos, Athanasiou Leventopoulos and Filaretos Ioannidis, which the late Dorotheos B’ deposit on 27 May 1979, and close to which a photographic journey of the Elder's life had been posted on the frames of’ beginning to end.

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A memorial service was held for the repose of his soul and en
Continuity, in an exciting atmosphere, under the sounds of bells and
while the Municipal Philharmonic played the National Anthem, were carried out
the unveiling of the bust of the blessed Hierarch by
Your Excellency Mr.. Dorotheo B’ and its sponsor, Panosiol. Archimandrite. Dorotheus
Ganges, after which the Most Reverend Metropolitan of Limnos Mr.
Hierotheos showered the busts with flowers and His Eminence the Metropolitan
Fthiotida Mr.. Nikolaos laid wreaths.

Reverend Fathers from Syros attended the modest ceremony, Mykonos Fr. Vasilios Tzanidakis and Fr. Petros Maragos, Tinos, Kea and Sifnos.

The Mayors of Syros-Hermoupolis,K. Ioannis Dekavallas, Of Tinos, K. Panagiotis of Krontiras and Mykonos Mr. Athanasios Kousathanas-Megas, the Deputy Mayors of Mykonos Alexandros Vamvakouris, Irini Gryparis, Councilor Ioannis Theocharis and Cyclades Politician with N.D Mrs. Katerina Monogiou.

The Regional Director of the Coast Guard, K. Ν. Squire, the Commander of the Syrian National Guard Battalion, Mr. G. Chapras, the Coast Guards of Mykonos, K. Nikolaos Zygouris and Tinos, K. Vasilios Apostolopoulos and from the family of Makaristos Hierarchis, Ms. Maria Vassiliou-Argyriou and Gerasimos Zouganelis.

The Eminence. Dorotheos B’ in his statements he thanked those who contributed to the success of the events, ….

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….. the Municipal Philharmonic, the Hellenic High School and the Hellenic Scout Corps,who framed the ceremony, the Clerics, who arrived from the other islands of the Metropolis, who received the gift of Priesthood from the right hand of the priest, the people for their presence and especially them 300 pilgrims from Tinos and Mykonos, which with the cooperation of the High Priestly Commissioners of Tinos, Protopr. Georgiou Faneros, Mykonos Protopresbyter Vassiliou Tzanidakis and the Propriest of I. Metropolitan Church of Mykonos Archpriest Petros Maragos, arrived in Syros in the morning with the "Delos Express" day boat.
After the end of the Events, a treat was offered to all the faithful in the courtyard of the Church.

The Return of the pilgrims to Mykonos under the supervision of the Archpriest of the Holy Metropolitan Church of Mykonos, Archpriest Petros Maragos, with the "Delos Express" daily ferry.

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